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Monday, August 11, 2008

How 10 hrs a week earned me my first $600!!

Well let me get right to the point than. The NM business that got me my first really big earning after close to 8 months of struggle and hardship is called My Video Talk.

Well, seriously speaking, I don’t expect you to know much about it, but if you do or whether you don’t hear me out for a minute else you might be loosing in one of the biggest upcoming technologies, and making a very bad decision in the process.

A little back ground on Video Technology.

Do you know why you can remember the first to the last scene of Terminator 2, yet cant remember very well the simple algebra formula you learnt yesterday. Well its not exactly your memory that’s not serving you right. Check out the following facts :-

People remember 10% of what they read,
20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see,
50% of what they see and hear together,
80% of what they see, hear and do.

Hence, imagine if that same power of letting people view and remember is within your fingertips. Whether it be a

Ø Product Demonstration

Ø Announcements Testimonials

Ø Training

Ø Video Commercials

Ø Surveys

Ø Video Resumes

Ø Event Invitations

Ø Birthday Greetings

Ø Video Newsletters

Ø Sales Follow-ups

Ø Video Tours

Ø Special Promotions

Ø Video to mobile devices (IPTV the latest in mobile communications).

If you had such a technology in your hands would you take it? How would the world audience view your product if you had a video to show it linked up with your online business site. What would your relatives say halfway across the world if you could send them a video email of your first born… or even before a wedding invitation where you invite them personally. What if you could take your customers on a virtual 360 degrees tour of the real estate you want sold, such that your customers can appreciate the time you saved them by using such a process.

Still further down the line of video technology. How would you like to save your organization the payment of flight tickets, and the hassle of arranging and attending meetings halfway across the globe? In today’s age of fast paced life, technology is the tool and time management the key to success. Well packaging the power to make all these things possible is a one of its kind product that has taken the world by storm and is making waves in the Indian subcontinent now. Introducing My Video Talk.

A comprehensive ensemble of Video Streaming, Video Email and Web Conferencing, put together in the most user friendly and flexible way possible, such that it can make you be part, of the ever growing world of Internet. Video technology is the new age mantra, which can make your presence and footprints reflect any where and everywhere. Launch your products online, make product demonstration, hold meetings, organize campaigns all at 1/10 the cost of conventional methods by adopting the platform provided by My Video Talk.

Mvt Oppurtunity(Master File)
Mvt Oppurtunity(Ma...
Hosted by eSnips

Now if you had such a technology at your fingertips would you use it. I know you must have said yes, and if you do, how about other similar business owners. Would they too?

Imagine if you were given the rights to be an independent distributor for this product, earning huge sums of money as you proceed to make this essential technology well know. Well if you’ve read this far I’m very sure you are interested in getting the full scoop on how and where you can get all this done.

To describe the entire process in this blog would not suffice. Hence download the power point presentation which I have created to explain the full details, of what can be called the latest ‘Big Thing’ in the world of Internet and personal residual earnings.

The very important presentations are available here : -

or through,

(which is my profile)

By the way if ‘Residual Earnings’ rings a bell in your ears of the green stack flowing, you definitely need to have a look at the presentation. Il keep you updated on the latest happenings till than.

The zip files contain the same data as the pps files, its meant for those with a slow connection. The file entitled ‘Mvt Oppurtunity(Master File).pps is the master file containing all the details together. But due to its huge size it has been modified to fit everyone’s net appetite.

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